The Overlooked Performance by Alex Attard - Visit No 1

Blog Entry No 13
Tutor: Ms. Scicluna
Date Uploaded: 11/2/2016 

About the Photographer 

Alex Attard is a known photographer that works mostly on personal projects, especially on architecture related series. Born in a photographic family in which had been into the subject since 1913, as it was necessary for him to eventually go back to photography as a medium in which he sees an artistic expression. Around 2007, he had the urge to pick up the camera once more and experience architecture through the digital era.

Attard had studied in the arts of digital print as he saw that achieved to equal in the visual qualities of film through this new medium. The inherent sense of his creativity and visual aspects in very personal interpretation of this subjects that he captures, making him accomplish critical recognition in the highest level 
and his portfolio noticed by experts throughout 
the industry.

Visit of Overlooked Performance by Alex Attard (The ephemeral Art beneath the face of Renzo Piano's new Parliament for Valletta)

I had went to this exhibition on 23rd March 2015, where the photographer had a talk about his own work about this personal architectural project, in which I found interesting as in every there is a form of art that one's eye can see and visualise. 
During the talk, I had the opportunity to capture photographs of what I saw in his photos as I tried interpret what I was seeing in my on way of visualising the image.I even edited and cropped some parts to see what will turn out as a result I had types of close ups on objects that I found interesting in his photographs. 

Overall, this exhibition had inspired me to see at little and peculiar things in a different way as a photographer. Capturing them in macro form and showing the detail of the subject, what interests me in some of Attard's photographs.

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