Trail on Summaries- Summary No 2 - Blow Up Movie

Blog Entry No 7
Tutor: Ms. Scicluna
Date Uploaded: 20/11/15 - 10/2/16 (updated)

~ In this post I will be reviewing and summarising a movie that I have seen, which is about photography it is known as 'Blow up' ~

Referring to the movie as an overall opinion, it was quite confusing to follow up till the end as it has a spontaneous outline of the plot. The photographer is on his whereabouts with his career. In this case, showing his daily life as a photographer does in the 1960's Based in a neighborhood in England, with materialistic scenes and misunderstanding places such as the club where music is playing and people are just staring at the musicians. As one can see at this type of movie, it consists with no background music throughout the film (except the club part) and an indirect plotline, which makes it difficult to understand the narrative of the whole film.

Below, are some information videos that talk and discussed on the Blow Up movie about what type of photography was used at that time.
The Real Blow Up Part 1 - (Accessed 6/11/15)

The Real Blow Up Part 2 - (Accessed 7/11/15)
Note taking during film (Brainstorming)

Note taking whilst watching Blow up 

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