Various Processes that were invented during the 17th 18th Century

Blog Entry No 3
Tutor: Ms. Scicluna
Date Uploaded/Updated: 11/2/2016 

~Various types of techniques and process will be dicussed in this post~

Claude Glass - This process was developed in order to help artists to produce a realistic reproduction of a photograph/painting.

Silhouette - is a process that is made with candle light in front of the object/subject that creates a shadow onto the background.

Pantograph - was created and developed in the 17th Century, which is a tracing device that enhances images smaller or bigger than their actual size, reproduction reality.

Physionotrace - This type of process creates an accurate silhouette that is the same as the basic silhouette method. It was developed and invented in 1784.

Devices of an advanced method:

Camera Lucida - Has a distorted lens that creates and results with faded images, which look more painterly like. This mechanism was created by William Hyde Wollaston in 1806.

Camera Obscura - This mechanical device is a way to reproduce paintings with a simple tracing method and it was mentioned first as an ideal concept in 440BC. This device was one of the biggest steps towards the birth of photography. This device is simply an empty box, dark and black. At the front, there is an inserted small pin hole, that lets light travel through it, then hit the back of the darkened box inside. As light travels in straight lines, which is a natural cause. Light work like this simple method in any way such as colour and movement. The harsher the light the sharper the shadows are with a camera obscura. Today's modern cameras are like an empty dark, black box.

Image result for camera obscura

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