The Invention of the Art of Photography

Blog Entry No 1
Tutor: Ms. Scicluna
Date Uploaded: 11/10/15

~ In this post I will be including some class notes as well as research from other sources such as internet, books etc ~
Original Camera Obscura

The word 'photography' was first used by a scientist, Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839. It was a method of capturing images with a movement of light, or a related radiation, on a sensitive object.

Photography was invented and born by scientists in 1839, which was called as "spontaneous reproduction by the action of light" by  Joseph Nicephore Niepce. The scientists had referred photography as a scientific subject during its early days. Photography was looked at as a kind of the real world but as a still world, with no movement and no sound to it, just silence. Photography  was bound by reality, had a unique impact on different society and audience.
A diagram on how a Camera Obscura works
In the early years of photography, images were reproduced into many copies and looked at as a realistic point of view. The images that were recreated look so real and vivid by distorting them and make a soft focus effect.

Paintings and photographs were different but similar to each other at the time as painting were created by brush and photographs were created by different techniques that show similar effects to a painting style. 

A different method of a Camera Obscura 
Film and photography had an intertwined relationship as they were similar to each other and shared the same techniques and effects. One was created for still images and one was made to make a moving image. Film is to follow the narrative of the story that the moving images are showing, whereas a still image it had to read and understood. Both film and photography are time-based, framed in 24 frames per second.

The image culture of photography is all about communicating with different societies, giving, showing or learning information, having personal value and have an artistic expression. In the early beginning of photography, people recorded themselves with a camera different than today modern cameras. Photographs were developed a specialised dark room, where chemicals were combined together to develop the exposed photographs, Mainly they were produced in black and white but as photography evolved in time, photographs were produced in colour.


Class notes - 6th Oct 15

Image Sources -

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